Filtering by: “Lower East Side”

Coping with Crowds: "ESCAPES" on the Lower East Side - an online talk with Dr. Sharon Keller

Coping with Crowds: "ESCAPES" on the Lower East Side - an online talk with Dr. Sharon Keller

Escape comes in many forms; it can be a book in the library, a summer blockbuster, an open fire hydrant, or even just a moment on a playground swing. Join us for a zoom tour of the Lower East Side spanning more than a hundred years of time but only a few square blocks as we explore the ways that people used to escape from the filth, the noise, the heat, the crowds, and just everyday life.

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The Power of Place: The Lower East Side of Past and Present - a NEW Tour

The Power of Place: The Lower East Side of Past and Present - a NEW Tour

  • Meeting at Straus Square, the triangle across from the Forward Building (173 East Broadway) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Urban historian Barry Feldman updates and expands his popular O! Multitudes! tour to fit into the landscape of 2019. The narrative will cover the historic iconic period of immigrant settlement on the Lower East Side (1880’s to 1924), and discuss demographic changes, housing and social issues, and failed depression era plans for neighborhood rehabilitation. The Lower East Side’s current status as a flourishing popular residential and commercial neighborhood will also be discussed.

This tour is a collaboration between the Lower East Side Jewish Conservancy (LESJC) and the Lower East Side Preservation Initiative (LESPI)

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Giants Of The Lower East Side: A Passover Week Walking Tour

Giants Of The Lower East Side: A Passover Week Walking Tour

On this LES trek, co-sponsored by The Museum at Eldridge Street, learn about a famous Yiddish Socialist, a tenacious 26 year old nurse, a famous Rabbi, and a former bank building undergoing a major renovation. See the buildings where they lived, worked, and prayed.

Start with a kosher for Passover snack at the magnificent Eldridge Street Synagogue and end at the colorful Bialystoker Synagogue.


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