The Jewish Community of Colonial New Amsterdam: A Walking Tour



Trace the origins of Jewish life in what was Colonial New Amsterdam.

Visit the oldest known Jewish Cemetery in New York City founded by America's first Jewish Congregation, and see graves of patriots of the American Revolution. 


This tour traces the origins of Jewish settlement in what was once considered "New Amsterdam," focusing on the southernmost neighborhoods of Manhattan. Tour-goers visit the former locations of Jewish sites, including the early Spanish and Portuguese rented synagogues, and the Mill Street Synagogue (the first synagogue built in North America.

  • We will gain entry to Congregation Shearith Israel's Chatham Square cemetery, which is the oldest known Jewish cemetery in New York City.

O! Multitudes! I: Three Centuries of Domestic Architecture on the Lower East Side


Tenement Chic: Ornamentation and Architectural Walking Tour of the LES